I am a PhD student in Computer Science at Yale University, advised by Professor Arman Cohan. My research interests are in the intersection of AI and cognitive science, and I aim to draw inspiration from theories of human cognition and cognitive bias to model judgment, behavior, and ethics in AI agents. I am grateful to be supported by the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship.
As an undergraduate at MIT, I explored research topics in meta-reinforcement learning at the Computational Cognitive Science Lab under Professor Josh Tenenbaum and Bayesian nonparametrics at the Fiete Lab under Professor Ila Fiete. I also researched metacognition of emotion in the Explorer of Perception and Attention Lab under Professor Su-Ling Yeh at National Taiwan University and trustworthy AI methods in the Collaborative, Learning, and Adaptive Robots Lab under Professor Harold Soh at National University of Singapore with generous support from the Fung Foundation.
P.S. I go by Kaili, pronounced like “Kylie”
Head Teaching Assistant, CPSC 477/577 Natural Language Processing, Spring 2025
Department of Computer Science, Yale University, New Haven, CT
Instructor, MIT Menezes Challenge PRIMES Circle, 2021-2023
Department of Mathematics, MIT, Cambridge, MA
Fundamentals of Group Theory
Lab Assistant, 6.036 Introduction to Machine Learning, Spring 2021
Department of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science, MIT, Cambridge, MA
Teaching Assistant, Research Science Institute (RSI), Summer 2019
MIT, Cambridge, MA
Fundamentals of Scientific Writing